In the new browser dashboard, Live Monitoring and System Overview are integrated. Below, we will explain the different parts of these sections and how to use them.
1. Performance
These graphs represent the CPU and memory consumption of the management server to which you are connected.
2. Live Monitoring
As admins, it's crucial to know if your cameras and recording servers are offline. That's why we've strategically placed the live monitoring tile in the upper left corner of the dashboard, where your eye naturally lands.
Our browser dashboard also uses color to highlight events that need your attention. In the Live Monitoring section:
- Red tiles indicate issues that require immediate attention.
- Green tiles signify that everything is running smoothly.
- Blue tiles provide informational updates.
Note: Unlike the Boring Toolbox, Live Monitoring in the browser dashboard uses threshold values from the managed site configuration.
Critical Cameras
Critical Camera Mode can be configured as a site-wide setting to send notifications only for the most important cameras and recording servers when they go offline. Alternatively, you can tag specific cameras or recording servers as critical without changing your current notification settings. This critical tag is used throughout the new browser dashboard to highlight key cameras, helping you focus on those that need your attention first.
In the Live Monitoring section, there's now an additional tile specifically for critical offline cameras. Clicking on the number in this tile will open a modal with further details about the affected cameras.
Storage configuration above disk capacity
In Milestone XProtect , admins create storage configurations, which are logical containers on top of your server's physical storage (NAS, SAN, etc.). These configurations are set manually by the admin, and Milestone has no visibility into the underlying infrastructure. This can lead to configuration errors and potential loss of video.
Our proactive alert addresses this issue by comparing the size of your manually set storage configuration to the total size of the associated physical storage. If the storage configuration is larger than the actual available storage, you will receive an alert.
This alert is displayed underneath the number of started recording servers. Clicking on the alert number will provide detailed information about the storage configurations.
Flapping cameras
Our blog provides a great explanation of the flapping camera feature. This proactive alert is displayed right under the cameras providing video metrics. Clicking on the number will open a window with detailed information about the potentially flapping cameras.
3. System Overview
This section will provide you with additional metrics:
- The total number of recording servers
- The total number of recording hardware
- The total number of SD cards
- The total number of recording cameras
- The number of cameras in maintenance mode
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