Once you have BoringBot installed and at least one management server added, you may want to move it to another channel in your Slack workspace. Here is how.
Step 1: Disconnect the management server from the current channel
To move BoringBot to another channel, you must first identify and disconnect the management server you wish to move. In the current Slack channel, use the following command to display all connected management servers:
After identifying the server you want to move, use the following command to disconnect the server from the current channel:
Step 2: Generate a token
Navigate to The Boring Toolbox in your web browser and click on "Integrations" to generate a token for the server.
Step 3: Re-connect the management server to the new channel
BoringBot is compatible with both public and private Slack channels. To connect the management server to the new channel, use the command:
Public Slack channel
All set. Nothing else to do.
Private Slack channel confirmation
To grant BoringBot the ability to send notifications and files to a private channel, invite the bot using the following command:
Success 🙌
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