Boring Toolbox v5 server requires .NET 6, and the Boring Toolbox requires .NET 4.7.2. If you do not have these installed, the installer will prompt you to install them and will typically require you to reboot your Milestone XProtect Management server.
If the prerequisites are already installed, you may not need to reboot your Milestone XProtect management server. This will allow you to install the Boring Toolbox server without disrupting operations. Below is a method of identifying what versions of .NET you already have installed.
- Windows Start menu, search for PowerShell
- Open Powershell ISE application
- Click View and Show Script Pane
- Paste the script below into the script pane
- Click the green play icon to run the script
# Function to get .NET Framework versions from the Registry
Function Get-DotNetFrameworkVersions {
$dotNetFrameworkPath = "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP"
$versions = Get-ChildItem -Path $dotNetFrameworkPath -Recurse |
Get-ItemProperty -Name Version -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue |
Where-Object { $_.Version -ne $null } |
Select-Object PSChildName, Version
$versions | ForEach-Object {
Name = $_.PSChildName
Version = $_.Version
Type = ".NET Framework"
# Function to get .NET Core and .NET 5+ SDKs and Runtimes
Function Get-DotNetCoreAndAboveVersions {
$sdks = & dotnet --list-sdks
$runtimes = & dotnet --list-runtimes
$sdks | ForEach-Object {
$version, $path = $_ -split ' \[|]'
Name = "SDK"
Version = $version
Type = ".NET Core/5+"
$runtimes | ForEach-Object {
$runtime, $version, $path = $_ -split ' \[|]| '
Name = $runtime
Version = $version
Type = ".NET Core/5+"
# Combine and display as a table
$dotNetFrameworks = Get-DotNetFrameworkVersions
$dotNetCoresAndAbove = Get-DotNetCoreAndAboveVersions
$allVersions = $dotNetFrameworks + $dotNetCoresAndAbove
$allVersions | Sort-Object Type, Version | Format-Table -AutoSize
This should output something that looks like the following. You are looking for version 4.7.03062 or above, which is the same as .NET 4.7.2. In the screengrab below, you will see 4.8, which is OK. You will also note .NETCore components that are 6.0 and above.
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