Includes cameras from a server that is down into the count for alerts



  • Ronen Isaac

    Hi Frederic Pelletier,

    Thank you for the feature request!  However, the fact that the cameras not providing video count does not go up when a recording server goes down is by design.  Our goal is to ensure we always provide actionable information that does not overwhelm the user.  

    In this case, there is an assumption that when a recording server goes down, the associated camera will also go down.  Therefore, providing both metrics to the user would be redundant and might split the admin's attention between the down cameras and the recording server instead of focusing on the recording server.

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  • Steve W.

    Hi Ronan, any news on this topic?



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  • Ronen Isaac

    Hi Steve W.,

    We do not have plans to change the way this feature works at this time.

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